“Just as in Noah’s day, the Visible Remnant can expect rampant opposition.”


Chapter 18, Page 179 –

Second, please notice:  Just as in Noah’s day, the Visible Remnant can expect rampant opposition.

Just as in Noah’s day, the rational intellectuals of our day have concluded that Man is in charge of this world. The rational intellectuals have rejected the idea that God – if He exists – created this world. Therefore, He’s certainly not going to destroy this world with a flood or fire or by any other means.

The rational intellectuals say that the whole concept of God and what He might or might not do is archaic, simplistic, ignorant, and naïve.

Just as in Noah’s day, the overtly religious people of our day have chosen to worship gods which they have created in their own image. And yes, they have names for their gods.  Some of these names are isms that express their secular, humanistic, and ecumenical approach to religion. Some of these names are religious systems that depend on prescribed ritual and rote with meritorious rewards for compliance. However, every false religious deity has characteristics – thoughts, ideas, and actions – that are exactly like their creator’s own human characteristics: pride, envy, power seeking, lust, hatred, vengeance, greed, and violence. 

And just as in Noah’s day, the overtly religious people assume that because their deity has these characteristics, it is perfectly okay for the overtly religious people to have these same characteristics in their own lives. Therefore, the overtly religious people reject the sinfulness of their own activities. 

The overtly religious people reject the Visible Remnant and their message of a merciful God who is coming in judgment. They say that the Visible Remnant are religious simpletons, or worse – fanatics.