“Like all the others in the long line of Remnants . . . they were exceedingly and painfully human.”



Chapter 11, Page 107 –

Elijah and John the Baptist – these two men are specifically named in the Scriptures as supreme examples of the Remnant who are to deliver a message to a world that is about to witness the coming of the Lord. Elijah was given the privilege of publicly inviting the people to choose whom they would worship – God or Baal. Then he called on God to come and defeat the wicked powers that were leading the People of God astray. Elijah had both parts of the Remnant message in his message, even though the emphasis was on the first part, to choose.

John the Baptist was given the privilege of inviting the people to choose to return to God and prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Then he baptized Jesus and set in motion the combined work of the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Father to initiate the work of the Messiah in defeating Satan, the real enemy of the People of God. John the Baptist had both parts of the Remnant message in his message, even though the emphasis was on the second part, He is coming.

Yet these two men were like all the others in the long line of Remnants. They were exceedingly and painfully human. Does this amaze you or were you expecting it? This is the characteristic which we frequently ignore to our peril: The Remnant is not superhuman. The Remnant is exceedingly and painfully human. 

Does this sound like anyone you might know?